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【09.06.13】 美国影片《生死恋》及其插曲《爱,多么绚丽辉煌》》

发表于 2009-6-13 14:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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( x  ~2 n4 D  y: r: K+ f" S1 O8 |Love is a many-splendored thing.
  C1 J( i; X# s. V% s  It's the April rose that only grows& C2 L8 m$ b0 n* @; |/ {7 s; H
  In the early spring;
6 Q' H3 y) a( S. I  [1 R/ R& H  Love is nature's way6 `8 K: k; x: d/ z  x
  Of giving a reason to be living./ C# V; K# R0 j4 K5 d
  A golden crown2 K! C# i) t0 k9 s
  That makes a man a king./ q' Z  T1 e; k! ]- N4 u* A
  Once on a high and windy hill,
! H& F; y' e  U5 \3 `3 G- J( O  In the morning mist two lovers kissed  }9 ~$ q# M# X
  And the world stood still,
' p, K; B( F7 I7 I* w  _' D8 e  When your fingers% X- |; n& J# B4 Z6 s6 n
  Touched my silent heart,. P0 X, N0 [  [7 q& S
  And taught it how to sing.+ p3 r7 _0 p2 n, F5 `4 G# A7 U
  Yes,+ [/ Z- O, t# @) Z3 c
  True love's many-splendored thing.
) ^9 l* L8 _! X& o% u- i  Once on a high and windy hill,3 I6 M! j+ b5 L
  In the morning mist two lovers kissed
7 P  W. g) k* I  J  And the world stood still,
' D; q0 u9 J" q4 X0 T  When your fingers
* L) Y3 |8 s: ], l  Touched my silent heart,4 H6 h% @- ?$ T: v9 K
  And taught it how to sing.  w# o0 T. A, j' |, q( D
6 N/ \8 h. m4 a  y+ n  True love's many-splendored thing.
: c( M1 M# h  X$ J* K  [参考译文]# a. i* ~; M' r* O3 i( C  M2 Z% u
  爱,多么绚丽辉煌7 a$ ]* p/ X. e
  爱是一绚丽辉煌事,; g6 i$ j+ Y1 v4 V+ r
  是只在早春才吐艳的3 _% N& x# n3 I+ b2 y
  四月玫瑰;. H+ N; f$ t% J+ J
+ Y- Y; s' }+ |5 d& u; G  给人生存的理由;
) Z* T: }% ~& H' o. J9 ~2 I  是金制皇冠,$ H( A  K0 R, r4 \2 o* ?
  使普通人成国王。  N$ R  s! K- j
  一次在微风吹拂的高山上,+ e2 @' [# k% V! ~
  在晨雾中两人亲吻,* J4 S! c  g, W+ ^
  世界静静站立;0 s( B7 f4 x3 i" |3 `: v, a. r
  因为当时你手指1 ?9 J$ y( \: F' a4 w0 a
  触动我安静的心,! c! F+ U: }: D" G8 z$ D7 Y1 o, k
  教它如何歌唱。/ A( Q! M. k! W
  是啊,真正爱情是如此绚丽辉煌。7 D$ j/ L( L- |( M0 j; \
  一旦在微风吹拂的高山上,6 ^9 r/ C$ f6 L# Y+ v
  在晨雾中两人亲吻,' j5 z+ P+ i; D( u& c, Y, T, B
: ^. H1 i! t+ n( P  因为当时你手指1 ?+ R! v" m: x1 l' b
  触动我安静的心;* _) a+ m& h, G( b5 {
6 {0 v  E& o" C# M% N7 Z  是啊,真正爱情是如此绚月辉煌。
发表于 2009-6-13 16:10 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-6-13 19:11 | 显示全部楼层
% v! W8 W- q. ghttp:// ... endored%20Thing.mp3
发表于 2009-6-13 23:55 | 显示全部楼层
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